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OPREMA ZA FILTRIRANJE OMOGOČA FILTRIRANJE RAZLIČNIH TEKOČIN JEDILNIH, RASTLINSKIH, MINERALNIH, KOZMETIČNIH, FARMACEVTSKIH IN DRUGIH. V ODVISNOSTI OD IZBORA OPREME IN IZBORA FILTRIRNIH PLOŠČ - SLOJNIC JE ODVISNO KAJ FILTRIRAMO IN KAKŠNA JE KVALITETA FILTRIRANJA. Izberite področje v polju na levi! Depends of selection of filtration device and filter sheet enable you to filter wine, brandy, beer, vinegar, fruit juice, syrups, water, cooking oils, vegetable oils, mineral oils, pharmaceutical and cosmetical products and other chemicals. Depends of selection of filter-sheet quality, depends the quality of filtering. Select the filed on the left!